Product types


The ‘Solar Pocket Factory’-3D Print Solar Panel


The factory is small enough to fit on a desktop and efficient enough to produce 300k to one million panels per year, up to one every 15 seconds.

First-of-its-kind energy storage facility in Australia


To lower costs during peak hours, Australian utility builds “first-of-its-kind” energy storage facility.

Progressive cities forge path toward renewable future.


Gland, Switzerland: Cities around the globe have received special recognition by WWF for impressive actions on climate change.

Thirty-four finalists from 14 participating countries were selected from among the 163 entrants in this year’s Earth Hour City Challenge (EHCC). An expert jury will now review the actions and commitments reported by these cities and ultimately identify one sustainability leader per country for the National Earth Hour Capital Awards to be presented on 27 March in Vancouver, Canada.

New generation of solar cells-More efficient.


American innovators still have some cards to play when it comes to squeezing more efficiency and lower costs out of silicon, the workhorse of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules worldwide.

A recent breakthrough — the product of a partnership between manufacturer TetraSun and the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) — could spark U.S. solar manufacturing when the approach hits the assembly line next year. The innovative design, simple architecture, and elegant process flow for fabricating the cells make the technology a prime candidate for large-scale production.


A rooftop Garden on the city bus.


An artistic and environmental project, driven by Marc Grañen, renowned landscape artist, aims to increase green areas in cities, reduce CO2 and promote the growth of wildlife and  pollinators.

Marc designed a garden with a large variety of plants: grasses, perennials and herbs, such as thyme or rosemary. And installed it on the roof of a city bus in Spain.