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About Toshio Lue the founder of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.



  • SANYO Electric Works founded (Honmachi, Moriguchi City, Osaka).
  • SANYO's first model of bicycle generator lamp (Model 47) launched.

    bicycle generator lamp (Model 47)
  • Commenced export, supplying 5,000
    bicycle generator lamps by order of GHQ
    (General Headquarters of the Allied Forces).

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A Pioneer in Energy and Environmental Solutions

Our world today faces unprecedented environmental challenges, requiring us to quickly develop and adopt effective solutions that will allow us to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations.

SANYO is embracing this responsibility by continuing to pioneer cutting-edge energy and environmental technologies, products and solutions, such as its world-leading HIT® solar panels and photovoltaic (PV) systems, eneloop rechargeable batteries and accessories (SANYO is currently the largest supplier of rechargeable batteries in the world), biomedical solutions, energy-efficient cooling and heating systems, eco-friendly electronic devices, and more.

SANYO is also leading the way in the future adoption of alternative energy use by investing in research and development of integrated Smart Energy Systems that combine key solar and rechargeable battery technologies into one highly efficient system. The Smart Energy System serves as an example of local power generation for local consumption (solar panels generate energy, which can be stored in local rechargeable batteries, and then used in local energy-efficient appliances). The company plans to further lead the renewable energy revolution through its partnership with University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego), well known for its sustainable research and use of solar technologies, to collaborate on multi-year, multi-disciplinary projects in the areas of renewable energy and energy storage research, development and education. SANYO will contribute $3 million over three years to fund the collaborative research projects.


SANYO Management Philosophy

Basic Concept

SANYO Electric Group, by developing unique technologies and offering excellent products and sincere services, seeks to become a corporation that is loved and trusted by people around the world. The Group seeks to become" as indispensable as the Sun" for the people of the world.


SANYO' founder, the late Toshio Iue, gave the company its name. "SANYO" means "three oceans" -specifically, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans: in other words, the entire world. Our founder had the earnest ambition to conduct business throughout the world, maximizing the company's three core assets: excellent human resources, superior technologies and first-class service. Thus the company name also implies its business territory and policy.

The founder once stated his principle in this way: "As a corporation, we seek to be like the sun, which shines upon all alike, regardless of race, creed, religion or difference in wealth." As is expressed in his statement, SANYO Electric Group has always sought to be essential to people everywhere in the world like the sun, that shines upon all.

The sun can represent various meanings, but SANYO Electric Group aims to be:

  • Lively (endless vigor and energy)
  • Indispensable (creative and innovative technologies)
  • Warm (wholehearted sincerity and dedication)

SANYO Principles of Conduct

Basic Concept

The Principles of Conduct stipulate the guidelines to be observed by all SANYO Electric Group directors, officers and employees in all their activities. Each director, officer and employee is expected to always think and act from a global perspective and strive with untiring determination to offer unrivaled products and service that merit the recognition due a world-class corporation.
The philosophy underlying the Principles of Conduct is courage and determination to take on new challenges.


The spirit of our late founder is manifest in our principle of conduct "Work with wholehearted sincerity" and in our company motto "Precision craftsmanship to be proud of the world over."
Our founder entered business with firm determination: "Even though the company may not become large, we should put our hearts and souls into each effort, so as to create superior products, unsurpassed by any of our competitors. Only such an approach can bring joy and happiness to myself and our employees, and enable us to contribute to society."

In January 1960, the company motto "Precision craftsmanship to be proud of the world over" was established, manifesting the founder's principle: "You should put your whole heart and soul into your assigned duties. Regardless of whether you work in production or sales, you should always employ the most efficient method available and proceed with work in a scientific manner. Work accurately, paying the closest attention to the smallest details."

  • Integrity: We work with integrity.
    (1) Pride and courage (2) Respect for rules and fair competition (3) Global perspective
  • Customer Oriented: We anticipate what will satisfy our customers.
    (1) Work that meets expectations (2) High-quality work (3) Work that merits our customers' trust
  • Creativity: We single-handedly open up new eras.
    (1) Creating markets (2) Aiming for the top (3) Innovation
  • Mutual Trust: We create a workplace imbued with the aura of freedom and the candid exchange of views.
    (1) A fresh and open working environment (2) An encouraging workplace (3) Performing our duties
  • Social Commitment: We maximize efficiency in business management and distribute profits on the basis of fairness and equity.
    (1) Strong presence in society (2) Openness (3) Harmony with the earth's environment


country: Japan
city: Osaka



Total Views: 4418


1.) Company offers:
Solar modules,
- Visual products,
- Audio products,
- Home appliances,
- Air conditioners,
- Food equipment,
- Biomedical equipment,
- CCTV products,
- Batteries,
2.) Survices:
- Eco Education Program,
- Green Energy Park,
- Environmental Programs