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Organic Farming - certificate

In 2007 the idea to stimulate the organic sector through the introduction of mandatory EU organic logo obtain the necessary support from all members states. In 2008, to find a design appealing to all European consumers, European Commission decided to organize a pan-European competition for the organic logo. The competition was open to students of art and design from all EU countries. The aim was to create and choose a logo for organic products packaged.

The logo of the EU organic farming is the guarantor of consumer confidence about the origin and quality of organic food and beverages and that its presence on a product ensures the implementation of EU rules for organic farming.

From July 2010 the EU organic logo is obligatory for all organic, packaged food products in the European Union. The logo can be used on request for bulk organic goods produced in the EU or any organic products imported from third countries.

From March to July 2009 participated in the contest 3422 design students. The huge number of projects proposals were evaluated by a professional jury had the difficult task of selecting among the top 10 projects submitted for the proposed logo. After checking the copyright three candidates were nominated to attend selected to participate in public online vote to determine the election winner. On December 6, 2009 to January 31, 2010 were submitted almost 130,000 votes for new EU organic symbol.

Dusan Milenkovic, design student from Germany, won with its logo "Euro sheet", which received 63% of all votes in the European public.


Inspection bodies
Based on this, all Member States have already established public institutions and / or private inspection bodies. All control bodies or institutions acting under the supervision or in direct cooperation with the competent central authorities of the Member States. Every year Member States shall report on the implementation supervision or cooperation of the EU Commission.

Code numbers of control and supervisory bodies

When the product is placed on the EU logo for organic products, this sign is always accompanied by a code number on the control or supervisory authority, whose competence is a control operator who carried out the last production or preparation operations.

The general format of the code number is AB-CDE-999, where AB is the ISO code of the country in which checks are carried out, CDE is a term that establishes a connection with organic production as "bio" or "org" or "eco" and 999 is a reference number.
Member States shall determine the code number for each control and supervisory body for organic farming, which has received approval to operate in their territory. This code number must appear on each label for organic products. Code number is a sign that buying your product is verified by inspection or supervisory body which ensures that the product is manufactured or processed in accordance with the Regulation on organic production.


Before you can start organic production, any future organic producers should be given approval to the competent person in the Member State to inform him of their intentions. His land and / or its facilities and its production methods, are subjected to scrutiny. In the event that it comes to farming - the farm goes through a long transition period before they can offer products of organic production.

Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and excludes or severely restricts the use of manufactured fertilizers, pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides and fungicides). Regulators of growth of plants by hormones, food additives and genetically modified organisms.
Now you know how and why organic farming is good for the environment and animals.

One of the main goals of organic farming is the production of food with authentic quality and taste. In the stage of agricultural production that is achieved through strict ban on the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and severe restrictions on the use of:

* Pesticides (herbicides, fungicides ...)
* Synthetic fertilizers

Organic farmers producing high-quality products by:

* Perennial seiboobrashtenie
* The length of time for growth and reach maturity of plants and animals
* The use of local varieties and breeds

Processing industry in organic farming contributes to the quality of organic food through strict ban on GMOs and strict restrictions on:

* Additives and processing aids
* Chemically synthesized additives




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