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Caffe Gioia - minced is the international "Wholesale-Broker" for green companies, green products and environmental services...

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Caffe Gioia - minced

As we all know, this aromatic drink is very strong antioksidant.Sadarzha and minerals like magnesium and chromium. Believed to protect against diseases such as diabetes type 2 and Parkinson's and helps to reduce the incidence of stroke, heart disease and rapid heartbeat. Even if these allegations are not proven 100%, people who love coffee will continue to consume it. Ready for direct consumption. Roast in a special environmentally friendly technology. Organic coffee-Gioia has an extremely sweet and mild flavor and low caffeine content.

1-2 cups of coffee a day Bio-increasing mood and thus overall health. Organic coffee is one of the most powerful antioxidants, and 3-4 cups a day makes the body less vulnerable to various cardiovascular diseases. Bio-Coffee improves short-term memory.

100% Arabica coffee grown in organic plantations, Fair Trade Peru and Central America.



Additional Information

  • origin: / Peru and Central America /

The product can be purchased at the following stores:

-  "Healthy life" - Sofia 1407, residential group "South Park", bl. 27 (to the restaurant Happy, former SOUTH PARK) -
crossroad of James Boucher and Bogatitsa street)

- - ( online )
Total Views: 3929

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